This quick read tells you how to use Amazon Giveaways for blog traffic generation. Using various set ups, Amazon Giveaways makes it easy to generate buzz with rewards and get traffic, more email subscribers, or to increase social media followers.
Giveaways work for traffic boosts! Over the past year, amazon Giveaways has given clients new subscribers, increased on-site sales, and quick boosts to traffic.
Note: below is a video to walk you through setting up a giveaway, but I also share some targeting and tips you really want to see! Different tips are shared in this article below.
Why Would You Need Quick Boosts to Blog Traffic?
I’m so glad you asked… A few reasons you’d want a quick boost to traffic:
- Trying to get into an ad network with a session or page view minimum (Media Vine, Ad Thrive)
- Conversion opportunities on a well-converting affiliate marketing post
- Capitalize and convert traffic boosts (a viral post, Pinterest surge, Facebook shares, etc.)
- Promotion of a cause or non-profit
- Maintain a ‘trending’ status on social.
Giveaways are a great way to build rapport with new and existing readers, build your email list, and target ideal readers so you can convert them into fans. But they only work well when they are targeted.
With amazon giveaways, you select different types of giveaways, have a requirement for entry, and can include links to your site or social profiles in three messages. You can read how amazon Giveaways work, but this image basically explains it all.
amazon Giveaways for Bloggers: How to Target
As I said above, a targeted giveaway is going to be most beneficial to you and your readers, so put effort into what your ideal reader would want to win. Or, consider my favorite option: ask your current readers! If you need help with that, here it is.
There is an option in the giveaway creation screen to make a giveaway public which means anyone can enter. DON’T DO THIS! Many professional contest seekers search the hashtag #amazongiveaway, so keep it private and share the giveaway link after giving consideration to the points below.
You’re going to target unknown readers first when using amazon Giveaways for blog traffic boosts, so also give consideration to:
- hashtags used by your ideal readers,
- the “best” social media platform for promotion – where your ideal audience is most likely to be,
- the words your ideal readers use, and
- Facebook or community groups in which to share the giveaway.
As for what to give away, there are nearly endless options!
To find an eligible article, scroll down the product listing page. If you see the option to set up a giveaway, the product is included in the program. Remember: the PRICE of the item isn’t what will resonate if you properly target your audience.
Watch a brief video on how to find an item and use amazon Giveaways for blog traffic (covers set up and tips).
Examples of amazon Giveaways for Blog Traffic
Conversion to Email
A client had a very popular productivity article explode on Pinterest. To capitalize on it quickly, we ran a giveaway for this funny, inexpensive To-Do List notepad she talked about in a Facebook Live (her existing fans loved it).
She advertised her giveaway (to get the link, they had to optin) and added 312 people to her email list giving away three, $7 notepads!
Exposure / Expert Resource
Working with a fitness industry client, we ran this Tabata timer and her free “get-started guide” was to be sent to the winner. She linked a brief video (less than 45 seconds) from YouTube which participants had to view before their entry was valid.
Note: we introduced a ‘when you win’ at the start of the video and the confirmation message. Non-winners used that link, so don’t think you’re limited to just one conversion!
Product Sales
Calligraphy and brush lettering are very popular right now and a client capitalized on it by running a giveaway for a popular calligraphy ebook (not her own). In 4 hours, she converted nearly 180 people from Instagram-only followers into her funnel for her handwriting practice sheets. Her sales increased 8% that day.
Correlation doesn’t equal causation, but that earnings boost sure was nice.
eBook giveaways
A lot of eBook giveaways. Seriously, this is the one I’m involved with the most and they are so easy because there is nothing shipped (no additional costs) and the winner doesn’t have to wait (automatically added to their Amazon account).
Targeting giveaways is not about the price of the item featured in the giveaway. The goal is to attract the eyes of someone who could use what you’re offering – both your prize and your content.
amazon Giveaways for Blog Traffic: Lessons Learned
- Don’t make the giveaway video too long. A shorter video which packs a big punch is better for you.
- Start with a single product, test, and analyze the findings (your messages are sales copy).
- Use a punchy shortened link. Something that draws the eye will be more likely to be copied and pasted.
- If requesting a social media follow, welcome them to your community specifically.
- If you are an author, use the entry requirement “follow on Amazon.” Amazon doesn’t publish follower numbers but the giveaway stats WILL tell you how many new followers you had. Read more on how to set up amazon Giveaways for authors.
The Drawbacks to Amazon Giveaways
Nothing is all roses… There are a few downsides to using amazon Giveaways for blog traffic. Knowing them will help you avoid mistakes, so here goes.
Prime shipping doesn’t count for you OR the winner, but if free shipping is available for the item, it does apply. You will cover shipping (and tax) and the winner’s delivery location determines those charges.
People search the hashtag #amazongiveaway and enter with fake Twitter or other social accounts. Do not do anything to attract them – you would be throwing marketing dollars in the trash.
Another drawback to using amazon Giveaway is, should you make a mistake, tough cookies! There is no way to edit a giveaway if your link was wrong or a typo was made.
The biggest drawback I’ve experienced is that a link to YOUR website can be put in the messages but it won’t be clickable. All Amazon-owned sites are clickable links but only prime social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube) will be live links.
I get around it by creating a punchy, shortened link with a call-to-action of “COPY/PASTE THIS INTO YOUR BROWSER.”
You can use amazon Giveaways for blog traffic just by giving a quick thought to your ideal reader. Using various set ups, requirements, and win parameters, amazon Giveaways makes it easy to generate buzz with rewards.
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