It’s a process to overcome blogger self-doubt and the good news is that we’ve all been there (or will be). Use these steps to crawl out of that hole and get energized!
How to Overcome Blogger Self-Doubt
I’ve been doing this blogging thing a long time and I will tell you honestly – I still have doubts about my content, strategies, and partnerships. It’s not uncommon for business owners to doubt themselves but left unchecked, it can be debilitating.
I’ve written about the trials, tribulations, and growth as a blogging entrepreneur, but because I’m in one of these phases with one of my new projects, I’m writing these tips today. In this article, I’ll share my methods of how I overcome feelings of blogger doubt. I’ll also share how to regain focus and basically get your groove back.
And the best part is that there are only 5 areas to check yo’ self in order to overcome blogger self-doubt.
Related Reading: How This Fitness Blogger Overcame Self-Doubt and Now Helps Others
Go Back to the Plan
Your business plan has a mountain of hope, ambition, and motivation tucked within its pages. Read through it and remind yourself where you wanted to go. Sure, you can always edit it, but sometimes just reading it will give you a boost.
A business plan doesn’t have to be extensive – a one-pager will do. The important part is that it’s chock-full of goals and even some insight into how to accomplish them.
When you’re in this place, go back to the plan and take a single action each day towards one goal. Baby steps will get you back into the swing of things with mini wins.
Stop Doing It All
Oh, how guilty I am. When I start up a project, it’s all me. I don’t outsource anything in the beginning and it can get overwhelming.
I thought I could maintain my family, self-care, and projects well with just slipping in another (HUGE) endeavor. And I’ve just decided that it isn’t worth the stress it’s been causing me.
Most of you know I’m a HUGE proponent of outsourcing blog tasks (obviously, I have quite a few popular articles on it). That being said, if you can’t afford to do it, prioritize your list of responsibilities and goals.
Nope, this is not the same as above. This section is to shake you up to say: make the hard call because something HAS to give.
I love my family, my friends, my websites, my projects, my hobbies, and my clients dearly, but I also love myself.
My recent decision to drop my latest project was made when I ranked my loves, interests, and goals. Sure, I could grow a huge Facebook following with the videos I had created but…
When I looked at my motivation for the project, I had been sucked in just by the pride of doing so, not because it was something I’ve always wanted to do.
If you can’t determine what needs to be prioritized even after going back to your plan, set up a free call with me and I’ll help.
Stop Staying Up So Late
There are some nights we can’t turn our brains off. Those aren’t the nights I’m talking about here.
I’m not sure how much you value your sleep, but honestly, I’ve been quoted thousands of times saying, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” Silly, right?
Well, I’ve only just recently realized it’s silly. I had a horrible bout of insomnia that a couple of years ago, so I no longer work until 2 am to ‘get it done.’ Don’t get in that habit, I beg you. Coming back from insomnia is a long, hard road.
Focus on a Single Problem
Not yours, thankfully. Focus on a single READER problem to overcome self-doubt as a blogger.
You know your stuff so write, write, write – publish something new on an existing reader problem. You’ll feel energized, motivated, and a little proud when you start to see the feedback from your readers and social followings.
Be specific. Come from a place of understanding. Give actionable tips or solutions.
Over to You
Staying away from self-care topics, how have you overcome blogger self-doubt in your business journey? I’d love to hear from you – and so would others!
Good article Sarah! I have had to go through this a few times and each time things get a little more clear 🙂
This month the best way for me to overcome blogger self doubt is to stay off of Google Analytics! My numbers have spiraled down this month and it is depressing me. I need to stay away for a few weeks and just keep focusing on the important things: quality content, new revenue streams, building up other bloggers, and the most important, FAMILY!